Isle of Man Marathon



Sunday 10th August 2025 – Information: Soon TBA

The Isle of Man Marathon is a competitor friendly event taking place on the picturesque course in the north of the Island, nestled between England and Ireland. The Half Marathon has been voted in ‘Runners’ World’ as one of the top ten races in the United Kingdom,

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Stunning Scenery and an undulating route await those who enter. The race, as in previous years, will be run over the Manx Northern course, starting and finishing in Ramsey. Start in Ramsey. Head along Mooragh Promenade past the site of the former Grand Island hotel and on to Bride. From there to Andreas and St Judes before turning back towards Ramsey. Two laps for marathon runners, finishing at the Ramsey Ballacloan Football stadium.

2023 Results: Here  Photos: Here

Race Results for 2022 are available Here